Wednesday, September 14, 2011

another video

Here's my latest video. I'm going to try and do some more but ran out of time today.
Still not quite getting hang of the double & single heels. Not getting in the groove shall we say...keep getting ahead of myself. And trying to remember where I am with the double shuffle is another thing still working on.
Think I''m gonna have to record music at slower tempo to dance to for that till I stop making mistakes.


  1. 'Music to Clog to' should be ready this week and as soon as I get them I'll pop one in the post for you. You'll have a selection of hornpipes to make you want to keep dancing with a slow and a medium tempo to help master those intricate movements. I think you're making excellent progress and remember you haven't been learning for very long.

  2. Thanks Brenda.
    I really appreciate your taking time to comment offer advice and the encouragement. :)

  3. This brought a smile to my face tonight! Looks like you are doing a great job! I've never clogged, but grew up tap dancing, and it looks quite similar. I'm getting ready to go back to class myself, so I'll need to practice too. Thanks for sharing, and keep dancing!
